Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sen Schumer's crocodile tears.

Sen Schumer gave a news conference where he shed tears over President Trump's Executive Order to stop the inflow of Syrian "refugees" and travelers from designated countries where Jihadists are making a big push. Never mind that these people had been made into refugees as the consequence of the policies of Barack Hussein Obama. Never mind that they may contain Jihadists who want to kill us as a way to force us into Islam. Now, Sen Schumer claims to be Jewish and Islamists believe that Jews should be killed. So, why does Sen Schumer acts as a political retard and attack efforts to keep him safe?
Schumer is not the first Jew who had the arrogance to believe that he knows how to manage his enemies. In fact Hitler would never have happened if it was not for the Jewish bunds that believed that National Socialists (I. e. the Nazis) were fellow Socialists and once the gentile Socialists came to power they would be managed out of their anti-Semitism. They were wrong.
Sen Schumer so hates Conservatives that he thinks he can ally himself with Jew haters as long as his allies are anti-Christian, anti-Conservative and anti-Western. The rest of us are rational human beings and we do not relish the prospect of falling under the sway of Islam, or even import the beginning of a jihad that will engage in constant terrorism. While, Schumer may count on the turmoil stirred up by the Left to regain political power, the majority of Americans will reject his efforts.
You think this is a harsh way of looking at Schumer? Those of you who think so remember that Schumer was considering/musing about reducing the refugee flow in 2015.  Yeah. Now he complains that to do so is un-American. So much for the consistency of a Liberal. 

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