Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sanctuary cities: kernels of Civil War II.

One of President Trump's Executive Orders denies funds to Sanctuary Cities. Trump promised during the campaign that he would stop Sanctuary Cities. But, implementation will be difficult, costly and possibly bloody.

Why? Because the Democrat Party has placed its hopes on driving white people into oblivion and this Executive Order aims at cutting the roots of that effort. So, the Anti Trump Delusion Syndrome is being driven to a fever pitch by the Media, the Mayors of the cities and even some Governors. At the bottom of this effort is the movement by California cities to refuse to pay federal taxes and the radicals of California to secede from the Union.

Leaving the Union can only be done by the permission of the other States and while I would not mind seeing Holly wood and Los Angeles recede into the distance, there are things in California that the rest of us won't let go. Agricultural products, military bases, timber, manufacturing and access to the Pacific Ocean. And, we will not consent to the formation of a Leftist, nuclear power on our doorstep. So, away we go into a Fourth Turning. Not paying taxes is NOT an acceptable option and neither is the flooding of the Country with Hispanics, Chinese and others amenable to Leftist ideology.

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