Saturday, February 4, 2017

Contemplating Super Bowl LI.

Most everyone thinks it is going to be a rout. But it might not be. Atlanta has strong weapons, including some pretty muscular pass defense. And that is the key. But, of course, the real key is to bottle up NE's running game, so their offense becomes predictable. We had seen that in the Green Bay Atlanta game. Green Bay was beaten up by having to play the Giants and the Cowboys and Rogers' heroics were predictable and hence were defended. So, look for this: can NE gain yards on the ground as it mixes passes and running games. If it can, it will be a rout. If not, it will be a closer game.

More interest will be focused on the off the game activities; namely the various protest groups. They have been having meetings to iron out a secret code to signal each other. Much like the coaching staff of New England. Will lady gaga put in a Trump protest? Either way, I will  definitely skip the half time show. "Gaga" in England is applied to someone not quite there mentally whereas 'ga' in Vietnamese means chicken.

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