Friday, February 24, 2017

Democrats manufacture fake news of CPAC waving Russian flags.

RUSH: Now, you see, this is how the Drive-By Media works. So we had the tweet that Bob Creamer’s group somehow got into CPAC and passed out a bunch of little flags that looked like the Russian flag and people are waving them around, and that gets tweeted out. And O’Keefe comes along and says, “No, no, no. Robert Creamer’s group,” we just explained who that is, “got in there and gave these things out.” Anyway, “CPAC Attendees Seen Waving Russian Flags.

From the Raw Story: “CPAC Scrambles to Control Damage After CPAC Waves Russian Flags.” This is from another website, The Week: “CPAC Attendees Wave Russian Flags Ahead of Trump Speech.” It didn’t happen. Totally planted stuff. The Drive-By Media probably knows it’s fake and a sabotage attempt. Doesn’t matter. It’s all about perpetuating this silly idea that the Russians actually are the reason Trump is president.

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