Sunday, February 12, 2017

Troubles mount at home and abroad.

The US govt is confronted by several enemies at home and abroad.


We have enemies filing lawsuits all over the Country. The 9th Circuit Court had declared that it intends to overrule the govt even if the statutes expressly and plainly allow the govt to defend the nation. Seventy two terrorists came from countries to whom  the 9th Circuit had thrown open our doors. Democrats in Congress are trying to sabotage appointments so they can slime the appointees.

Foreign problems.

Greece. Back in the news again. You thought the bailout was solved? Think again.

Europe. Brexit is proceeding like a glacier. Holland and France have elections within just months and German stress is growing because of the Islamic infestation.

Ukraine. There is fighting in the East again. McCain demands we send weapons to the Kiev govt.

Iran. Thanks to Obama, Iran is working on nuclear weapons. They are testing ICBMs which are useful only if they have nukes. Iran is issuing threats to the US and claim that their rockets take 7 minutes to reach Tel Aviv.

N Korea. Has put a satellite in orbit and is testing ICMBs. Also, they are threatening the US.

China. They are deploying hypersonic rockets that can have a speed of Mach 10. Those rockets are designed to hit US carrier groups. The US is countering with the rail gun that is very effective. In addition, China is working on making its currency backed by gold.

Besides these trouble spots, the Democrats (led by Obama and Soros) are launching all out attacks.

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