Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Compeeting conspiracy theories.

One conspiracy theory is bandied about by the Dems which includes the Media. According to this theory, the Russians colluded with Trump to win the Presidency and now set up the 'bombing Syria' scenario to suggest that the Russians and Trump are on a collision course. Short of a nuclear war this crowd will not be persuaded to give up their theory.

A second conspiracy theory is bandied about by the Russians. They claim that the release of gas resulted from strikes on rebel storage positions, that is rebel stockpiles of gas were hit.

There are some facts. See if we can make some sense from it.

1. U.S. sources have shown us a video of two Syrian planes doing attacks on rebel positions. Actually, what we were shown are alleged tracks of radar prints of airplanes over Syria.
2. Former U.S. official and embeds from Obama area tell us that Obama lied about Syrian stockpile of nerve gas being destroyed. I am shocked. Obama lied about that?
3. Arabs are known to parade dead children for propaganda purposes. We have seen such in Gaza.
4. The Russians claim that more fake gas attacks are planned.

My opinion: something fishy in this whole affair. Attacking a position by gas is a chancy and ineffective way to fight a war. Especially in an urban environment where combatants are close by each other. Far more efficient is to drop an explosive ordinance or napalm. Also, Arab propagandists are known to use attacks on schools and mosques.

I think Trump made a mistake by acting fast and depending on Obama holdovers in intelligence positions.

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