Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Left became like Sharia Islam.

There is a brilliant expose of the Left: the Left is like Sharia Islam. It accepts no authority other than itself. It uses institutions and perverts them. When the institutions do not serve their aims, they try to delegitimize them. No true compromise is possible with these people, they must be defeated.

Rush Limbaugh asks the question of how you defeat them?

Having brilliantly described the Left (and the Democrat Party) as like Sharia Islam, the question then arises HOW DO YOU DEFEAT THEM?

Because the Left produces the Leftists who power its jihad by using the University systems (and selects the Professors who do the brainwashing), the University system must be destroyed. The Media is the enforcer of the Leftist jihad and must be replaced.

This is what needs to be done in order to preserve the US as a constitutional Republic.

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