Friday, July 1, 2016

AG Lynch lays an egg - or does she?

By now we have all read about the semi-public meeting between Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch. Those not acquainted with the duplicity of Democrats (especially the Obama regime) think this was a grave mistake by AG Loretta Lynch. What this was is a shot across the bow of the Clinton campaign. It is also the beginning of implementation of the sleight of hand trickery by the Obama regime to protect the Democrats' presidential ambitions.

Remember that Obama's legitimacy as President is very much in question. And relevant documentation can be kept out of the public eye only if the Presidency remains in Democrat hands. But, Hillary has been shoed in as the nominee and there are serious doubts about her ability to win even against Donald Trump.

Hillary can be sidetracked though if she is indicted for her crimes while Secretary of State. But, the Obama regime wants no taint on their hands for an indictment, so the meeting between Bill and Loretta was arranged to make it possible for Lynch to recuse herself, which she now has done. So, the stage is now set. If Hillary does well in the polls, she is OK. If Trump gains the lead, she will be indicted and removed as standard bearer for the Dems. Mass Senator Fauxcahontas is already being tested as a replacement.

Why the meeting? Bill and Hillary were reassured that if there is an indictment, Hillary will receive a pardon. Yeah, the gravy train will stop, but the Clintons have amassed bribes that runs to 300 million dollars. That ought to keep the Clinton crime family comfortable. And if Fauxcahontas is elected, Obama's secrets stay that way.

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