Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Idiot of the day awards.

3. goes to Sec Kerry for saying that air conditioners are as dangerous as ISIS.

2. goes to Resident Obama stating that Hillary is the most qualified candidate ever.

1. goes to the LA City Council. There are parts to this:

Just about one year ago, gun grabbers in Los Angeles implemented a new gun control measure infringing upon the rights of their residents, ostensibly in an effort to lower the violent crime rates.
The L.A. City Council passed an ordinance in July banning so-called “high capacity” magazines, more commonly referred to as standard capacity magazines in the rest of the free United States. That ordinance went into effect in November.
According to Business Insider, Councilman Paul Krekorian revealed his utter ignorance about guns and gun rights when he said of the bill, “The step we’re taking today is not a wild step. People who want to defend homes don’t need a 1,000-round drum magazine to do so.” Really Mr Krekorian?
However, instead of lowering violent crime rates, as the gun grabbers insinuated the citywide ban would do, violent crime has gone up about 20 percent.
In fact, though the overall crime rate in L.A. is down, much like the rest of the country as a whole, violent crimes like aggravated assault and armed robbery have gone up, as per the LAPD, 20 percent and 16 percent respectively, also similar to most other Democrat-controlled, “gun-free” dystopian urban centers across the nation.
Sadly, the L.A. City Council forgot to factor in one important part of the equation when passing their ordinance — the fact that criminals by definition don’t follow the laws. If a criminal knows he will already be on the hook for whatever criminal act he is engaging in, an additional charge for possessing a “high capacity” magazine isn’t much of a deterrence at all.

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